Sunday, January 27, 2013

Top TEN Things to do to Beat the Winter Blahs

Forgive me.  My typing will be slow and weak this morning.  I just walked a half mile carrying a jug of milk and my fingers are frozen.  But while I walked I was writing...

Top ____ Things to do to Beat the Winter Blahs: all for free!

1.  Go for a walk.  It is a beautiful sunny day despite the 20 degree temperatures.  It made me feel better.

2.  Buy milk while you're out on your walk.  It will make you feel productive.

3.  Write something.  Write a poem or a blog or a Valentine to someone you would never send it to.  Or someone who is due a Valentine from you.

4.  Light a fire.  Especially when your husband, who doesn't like fires, is out.  It will warm your soul.  Or at least light a candle, especially if your husband, who is out, is on his way home.  It almost works the same way.

5.  Read a book.  Or collect a bunch of books you have no intention of reading.  It will make you feel less lonely.  There are others out there who spent countless hours alone writing these books.  Here is my current booklist:
Cleopatra, by Stacy Schiff
Home Comforts, by Cheryl Mendelson
The Lazy Couponer, by Jamie Chase
Grocery Gardening, by JeanAnn VanKrevelen
Kitchen Gardens, by Cathy Wilkinson Barash
Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott, because I'm trying to convince Annie of the pleasures of the classics
Eggs, by Jerry Spinelli, because I'm trying to convince Matt of the pleasures of reading in general
Sugar Changed the World, by Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos
The Architecture of Happiness, by Alain deBotton    (This is a book that makes me say, Why didn't anyone tell me about this sooner?  This book is so cool and just what I've always been looking for!  He says, "Where we are heavily influences who we can be, and it is architecture's task to stand as a neloquent reminder of our full potential."  Wow, cool, huh?)

If these don't appeal to you, try Blue Pyramid Book Quizzes.  Really cool!

6.  Make cookies.  You don't need fancy ingredients.  A cookie is just butter, sugar, eggs and flour, practically in that order.  You have oatmeal, put that in.  You have cocoa powder, put that in.  You have chocolates left from Christmas, put those in.  Maybe not all of the above, but maybe?  If you don't feel like baking, find a Girl Scout.  It's Girl Scout Cookie Season. 

7.  Eat cookies, preferably with a hot beverage, like tea, or a latte, or hot chocolate.  Eat the whole tray/box if you want. You have plenty of time to work it off before Memorial Day and swimsuit season. 

8.  Go out at night.  Last night we almost went for a ride to find the full-moon-glistening-somewhere- on-a-snowy-field.  Then life happened and we didn't go. But it was still a good idea.  Maybe tonight?

9.  Plan a garden.  See my garden books?  I'm planning for spring.  Cut out pictures or find them on the internet, or on pinterest.  But be careful, that site is addictive.

10.  If all else fails take a nap with a warm, soft, heavy blanket.   This is hibernation season. 

I made it to ten.  Make your own list, maybe of things you like about spring! :)

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