One of my favorite Justin Roberts songs ends with the phrase, "If you liked that, you should check out the mud!" Having always been afraid to get muddy, I thought this phrase is just what I need to apply to my life as I juggle working and raising four kids. We are always seeking to balance the yucky dirt with refreshing, life-giving water and we know that in the right circumstances, things will grow. Over the past year my life has grown by leaps and bounds with my family, my career, and my new passion, writing. I hope you will visit to chat and read about my muddy life!
We are all searching for guarantees. The guarantee on shipping from our website order, the guarantee on the newly-purchased mattress, the guarantee that when we wake up the electricity will still be on, the guarantee that the weather will get nicer soon, the guarantee that my car will still be parked where I left when I get back, the guarantee of a healthy pregnancy, the guarantee of an easy child. All the things we expect at the beginning of the day to go our way, the meeting, the conference call, the sales pitch, the ruling, the game, the score. I see people searching for schools, looking for a guarantee that the choices they make, the selection of this school over that school, will guarantee that their child will thrive, be successful, and maybe happy. They want the guarantee. They expect it when they walk in, as if they were going to a car wash, that the car will be perfectly cleaned when it comes out the other end. As if kicking the tires will gu...
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