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Grand Entrance

After I took down the aluminum scripted house number from over the door, (remember, like from 1948) we were left with nothing for a few months.  Delivery men and contractors were always hesitant when they knocked.  (We took down the doorbell too!)  I looked for a long time for the right style house number since it says so much about the owners, well not really, but I just wanted something unique.  I thought that we would make it down to Cape May where I remembered seeing really cool sculptured house numbers in a little shop on Washington Square, but that didn't happen.  I had run past houses with funky lettered written numbers and thought that was cool too, but we decided to put a keystone over the center of the door, so the written wouldn't work.  Then, there's a shop in Collingswood that had a really cool looking monogram number over the door, but that would take lots of work.  So I remembered an old magazine, Blueprint, that had this awesome combination of writing and numbers:  (Blueprint is no longer published, but the hidden library will tell you how to order back copies!)
Okay, now we had a plan, but no idea how to put such cool numbers up.  Thanks to a little internet-stigation, I found this site, vinyl vineyard, with custom made decals for such a bargain!  Now, here's what the front door looks like:

It's not quite as hip or funky as I would have liked, but I was nervous that it would make too much of a statement.  However, if this ever comes off, I will go for something more like this from Back40Life:

It's a little frillier and lots of fun!  So here's the final grand entrance:
At our old house we had a beautiful blue door, a phrase coined by my son's teacher who loved the door.  Well, I bought some old historic paint colors at restore but I am not sure yet, so for now we went with traditional black.  I'm not super happy with it, but we're going to figure out the best color as we go.  We will add some Halloween stuff this weekend!  Now I'm back to Back40Life to check out another decal I saw of an old Livingston Taylor song that I love!  enjoy the day and make a grand entrance!


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