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January. The house empty again after college kids and grads returned to their life. After our house feeling so full it's a bummer to walk past the empty bedrooms, as cute as I may try to make them. COVID exhausted! Dreary days punctuated by snow, we like, and ice, we don't like. Empty tree stands and mantels and windows that once held greens and wreaths and light. Meals that feel like leftovers, but they're not? Short days and cold temperatures. Lack of exercise or motivation. No wonder we are tired and longing. I know we are all just muddling through this time. I'm trying to hang on. Here's what I've found that helps. I hope it helps you too.

One thing I have after Christmas are full cabinets. So I'm making all those treats that I planned to make over winter break that were quickly outsourced to restaurants and bakeries. We ordered food and went to the bagel shop more times than I expected. I need to empty the cabinets now. The pumpkin breakfast muffin mix, the brownie supplies, the full bag of bread flour. (I'm still not sure about the bread baking hobby, but I'm going to try it this weekend... what have I got to lose?) So here are a few recipes to help with emptying out the shelves. 

Lentil Chili (I added celery and carrots too!)

Bread in 5! (Love this site!)

peanut butter cookies  (I'm obsessed with Zoe and her show on Discovery Plus)

The second thing I have is books! I have shelves of books to keep me reading, but I recently read The Most Fun We Ever Had. I gave it 5 stars on goodreads! It's long, but I needed a book to keep me coming back day after day. Read it!

I also need to move. Robin Long from The Balanced Life keeps me going with her short and sweet pilates videos. Most videos are under 15 minutes so I can fit them in whenever. I also love how she's practically cheering you on saying, "You are done for the day!" I'm not creaky and cranky in the morning thanks to her youtube channel. 

What's next? I'm getting hopeful for February. It can be dreary but there's a four-day weekend in there! And - Valentine's Day! Even though I want to use all the food in the cabinets, I think for this Valentine's, we'll order out. But not just any order out, how about Maine lobster rolls for 2 from McLoons! Even though they are closed for the season, you can still have it shipped overnight. Check out this site Gold Belly for ideas.

The Olympics! Brush up on your Olympic knowledge with these sources.  Plan your viewing schedule with the kids. Everyone loves a good Olympic story. 

When you're not watching the Olympics, watch Derry Girls. This is completely out of character for me, but it's hilarious. And set in the 80's when I was in high school. (My vice-principal looks exactly like Sr. Michael in the show!) Haha! No offense!

I've really dropped off from writing, but it is something that fills me. Thank you for humoring me with reading this. What fills you? I hope you find something that makes you full and brings you joy! 

Take care and be well.



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