Today's weather forecast: 8 degrees above normal. There will be a high pressure system moving in that will blanket you with sunshine. You will smile and breathe deeply because it feels so good to get out there in the sun and the warmth. It will feel like a little gift. But then you will say, "Wait, this is February. This is not normal." You're right, about 8 degrees above normal. And that's not just the weather. It seems like our world is now operating at 8 degrees above normal. Can we just go back to normal? It's February. Normally a blanket of snow would cover the ground. You would be making hot chocolate and cherry pie for President's Day. You would light a fire and a candle and snuggle up with a book. But with that sunshine and high pressure also comes the compounding guilt of lying on the couch. "Get up, get out, get busy, get moving," it screams. And you can't. You. Can't. Move. Because for the last ...
balancing life, work, and family