Somewhere around the ages of 15-18, you can no longer ask your child direct questions. Questions like Are you hungry? What are you doing? Where are you going? What did you do today? These questions are interpreted by the teenage mind as something of an inquisition. They quite literally conjure up thoughts of the Spanish Inquisition where bodies were torn across stretchers while they were being asked. If they have their earbuds in, forget about even attempting to ask. You will be completely ignored. And so while these questions may be nothing but kind, thoughtful, and caring, they are heard as annoying, FRUSTRATING, and at worst, INFURIATING! So instead of asking questions, my husband and I are in this perpetual guessing game of Who's That? We are now keen experts at figuring out Who is home? Who is in the shower? Who just left? Who is coming in at this ungodly hour? Forget about Where are you going? Who are you going with? and How are their parents? While I absolutely ...
balancing life, work, and family