Letting Go. Let it go. Let go. I have heard it a thousand times. It's not easy. I know that. But past grievances - yes. I'm willing to let them go. Forgive and forget. Sure. Sign me up. It's a Disney mantra. My first graders know it better than I do. Let it go. Let. It. Go. Now Marie Kondo has made an empire out of it - complete with a television series. That includes psychological counseling! Everyone on the show cries. Let it go. I've tried it and failed. I've tried it and succeeded. I let go of a million things in our house. Clothes first. Books. Paper. Kitchen. I haven't gotten to the last one. Still. I've done my share. I've moved on from past hurts and past pain and past friendships and past pasts. But that was the easy part. The letting go part of motherhood is not so easy. I do not know if I can let go of my kids. My son went off to college two years ago. I handled it. A mother in the parking lot who was directing us where to go told me everyth...
balancing life, work, and family