One book I have to reread every summer is All the Places to Love, a lovely, lovely picture book by Patricia MacLachlan. How is it that when we come to Massachusetts I fall more in love with my husband. His face changes, my face changes, we are calmer, we are more patient, we are happier, all because of a place. His family has lived here for generations. His grandfather was known in town as Doc. His grandmother was the school nurse. He grew up climbing this mountain and swimming in the lake and now our kids are doing the same. I can hear their voices echoing across the lake form the top of the mountain. It is the most beautiful sound in the world. If I were a designer I could have a grand time redesigning all the rooms and window treatments and furniture and floors. But this house, "the camp," has gone untouched for 50 years and it will be awhile before it is ever redesigned. Yet each little thing is precious....
balancing life, work, and family