Every morning as my son gets ready for school I have to remind him of several things: Did you brush your teeth, comb your hair, put on CLEAN socks, make your bed, clean out the backpack, take your lunch, take the jumpropeforheart forms, take out the trash, take snack money, remember your instrument, get your test signed? To which he replies, "It doesn't matter, mom." He's not being totally defiant. I think he looks at me in my tired tirades and just thinks, "She doesn't get it. She doesn't get that the hard part about school is not remembering all these things, it's getting there and getting in line with someone you may or may not like and getting in a seat and getting your work out and getting the work done before someone says time's up. It's about being kind and being ready to answer and being ready to defend yourself or someone else and being on task and being a good listener and being careful of others and being careful not to make m...
balancing life, work, and family