My brother taught me to play with guns. Not really. And in this day and age I really shouldn't joke about that. I had used a rifle twice before shooting skeet and thought that was my claim to fame, shooting skeet in southern Virginia, but I recently learned how to use a nail gun and now I'm much more proud of that. I thought I'd share the process. After we finished painting and hanging pictures in the hallway, we realized it lead to a dead end at the top of the stairs. I had seen some seemingly simple ways of dressing up walls with bead board and decided to give it a try, well really to enlist my brother to teach me how to use a nail gun to put up wooden boards. I wanted to create an effect of old board and batten. Here is a link to my inspiration site, Thrify Decor Chick , where she explains step by step how to do this. I had estimated the cost of this project at about $75 (and we had a gift card from Ch...
balancing life, work, and family